Results From May 25th 2015
After 3 Qualifying sessions
1. Mike Keenan Turbo 4.454 @ 174.96 mph
2. Mike Labbate Turbo 4.530 @ 160.03 Mph
3. Gordy King Jr Nitrous 4.733 @ 151.26 mph
4. Art Cordova Nitrous 4.815 @ 150.60 mph
5. Louie Katsaros Nitrous 4.824 @ 150.96 mph
6. Ray Trujillo Blown 4.928 @ 148.61 mph
7. Robert Costa Nitrous 5.020 @ 121.62 mph
8. Charlotte Schmidt Blown 5.770 @ 92.61 mph
9. Ed Jacquez Blown 9.272 @ 57.54 mph
Round 1
Louie Katstaros 4.740 @ 152.49 def Art Cordova 4.955 @ 143.91
Louie is first off the line and makes a great run. He has the lead from start to finish. Art having issues all weekend and still has them.
Ray Trujillo 4.894 @ 148.61 mph def Gordy King 10.4826 @ 59.71 mph
Ray is first off the line and never looks back. He improves a little from his one and only qualifying pass. King has problems from the start and never really gets going.
Mike Labbate 4.549 @ 157.56 mph def Robert Costa 4.657 @ 152.08 mph
Labbate has a killer .003 light. He gets a little loose during the run and ends up crossing the center line after the finish line. It is a near miss as he crosses right in front of Costa. Costa still struggling with the new car and has to peddle to a losing effort.
Mike Keenan 4.414 @ 177.17 def Charlotte Schmidt 10.373 @ 47.65 mph
The best run of the weekend so far, Keenan shows why he is number 1. Charlotte has a lot of issues, is late on the light and never gets things going.
Semi Finals
Mike Labbate 4.660 @ 147.06 def Ray Trujillo 4.982 @ 123.29
The little truck that could is off to its first RODS final. The turbo truck is too much for the blown Nova.
Mike Keenan 4.383 @ 177.94 mph def Louie Katstaros 4.852 @ 126.65 mph
Keenan improves on this run as well. Setting low ET and Top MPH on this run. Headed to his second straight RODS final. Louie could get there and lifts a little early to save on parts.
Final Round
Mike Keenan 4.7431 @ 162.98 def Mike Labbate 6.100 @ 82.90
This is the first all turbo RODS final ever. #1 vs #2. This is what everyone came to see. The Camaro gets the best of the Truck. Labbate is unusually late and never gets it going. Keenan strolls on to his 2nd consecutive RODS win.
Results From July 4th 2015
After 2 Qualifying sessions
1. Charlotte Schmidt Blown 4.676 @ 151 mph
2. Robert Costa Nitrous 4.750 @ 146.01 mph
3. Art Cordova Nitrous 4.838 @ 153 mph
4. Jacob Villegas Turbo 4.931 @ 149 mph
5. Mike Labbate Turbo 4.983 @ 148 mph
6. Ray Trujillo Blown 5.028 @ 142 mph
7. Gordy King Jr Nitrous 5.114 @ 134 mph
8. Ed Jacquez Blown 9.272 @ 57.54 mph
Round 1
Mike Labbate (No Time) def Jacob Villegas (No Time)
In the battle of teh two turbo cars, it is a strange race. Villegas rolls through the starting beams when staging, Labbate's light green light does not come on because there is only one car in the beams and he also rolls through the lights. Ruling is the car to leave first looses. Labbate moves on with no time.
Art Cordovas 4.895 @ 150.96 def Ray Trujillo (No Time)
Trujillo was a no show for 1st round after break a small engine part. Cordova slows a little from his qualifying effort. The car was slow off the line but gets the win and moves on the round 2
Robert Costa 4.775 @ 144.42 def Gordy King (No Time)
King's car stalls when the light turns green. Costa also slows a little from qualifying. He will race Cordova in the semi's.
Charlotte Schmidt 4.722 @ 148 mph def Ed Jacquez (No Time)
Jacquez is a no show as well. The wagon moves into the semi's and will race the truck of Labbate.
Semi Finals
Mike Labbate 4.683 @ 154 def Charlotte Schmidt (No Time)
Schmidt is a no show after breaking in the 1st round. Labbate is off to his 2nd final in a row.
Robert Costa 4.604 @ 149 mph def Art Cordova 5.174 @ 150 mph
Both cars have to peddle it. Costa gets a better handle of it and gets the win. He will face Labbate in the Finals.
Final Round
Mike Labbate 4.661 @ 156 mph def Robert Costa 4.606 @ 153 mph
Labbate gets off the line first with a holeshot and never looks back for his 1st RODS win. Costa out runs the truck but was sleeping at the line.
Results From August 7-8 2015
Penwell, Texas. Texas vs the World
After 3 Qualifying sessions
1. Robert Costa 4.469 @ 166 mph
2. Chad Green 4.484 @ 138 mph
3. J Winger 4.558 @ 157.34 mph
4. Gordy King 4.566 @ 156 mph
5. C James 4.753 @ 149 mph
6. Louie Katsarous 4.824 @ 147 mph
7. Rowdy James 4.868 @ 142 mph
8. Jacob Villegas 4.915 @ 149 mph
9. Ray Trujillo 4.930 @ 145 mph
10. S Coan 4.970 @ 150 mph
11. Charlotte Schmidt 4.986 @ 142 mph
12. M Landers 13.388 @ 50 mph
Round 1
Rowdy James 4.65 @150 mph def Louie Katsarous 4.82 @ 147 mph
James steps up a bunch from his qualifying time and puts the 1st New Mexico car on the trailer. Louie still trying to work out some of the bugs in the new motor. But not a bad first outing for him.
C James 4.77 @ 149 mph def Jacob Villegas 4.91 @ 150 mph
The little turbo from New Mexico is the 2nd victim of a Texas car. So far Texas is 2-0 against the the competition.
Gordy King Jr 4.60 @ 156 mph def Ray Trujillo 8.00 @ 100 mph
Two NM cars get paired up in the first round. Ray has trouble and looses fie going down track, King makes another great run. He also ran a personal best in qualifying this weekend.
J Winger 4.55 @ 157 mph def S Coan 4.54 @ 150 mph
In a holeshot win Winger gets the best of Coan in the Texas vs Texas battle.
Chad Green 4.39 @ 160 mph def Charlotte Schmidt ( No Time)
Charlotte is a no show for 1st round with a broken part. Green set Low ET of the race so far with a great looking run.
Robert Costa 4.49 @ 162 mph def M Landers (No Time)
Landers with only 1 attempt is a no show due to a broken blower. Costa having some trouble but make s decent run close to his qualifying effort.
4 Texas cars and only 2 New Mexico cars remaining. Looks like Texas has the home track advantage.
Round 2
Chad Green 4.42 @ 160 mph def C James 4.77 @ 149 mph
The 63 vette of Green makes another clean run and easily defeats James.
J Winger 4.53 @157 mph def Gordy King Jr ( No Time)
Gordy is a no show after breaking in the first round. Winger makes a better run and will face Green in the Semi's.
Robert Costa 4.37 @ 167 mph def Rowdy James 4.65 @ 152 mph
Rowdy gets a big starting line advantage but is no match for the NM Duster as he set low ET on a great run.
2 Texas cars and 1 NM car remaining.
Semi Finals
Chad Green 4.55 @ 150 mph def J Winger 4.57 @ 155 mph
Green moving around a lot slows but is able to hold off Winger for the win. He will be in the finals, not bad for the first outing in this new car.
Robert Costa (no Time) def BYE
Costa chooses not to make the run and save it for the finals.
Just the way is it supposed to be. Texas vs NM in the finals. #1 vs #2.
Final Round
Chad Green (no Time) def Robert Costa (no time)
Both cars do their burn outs. Costa shuts off and has a small engine fire. Green chooses not to make the run and is awarded the win. The race that everyone comes to see never happens.
Texas is awarded the win in the 1st TEXAS VS THE WORLD SHOOTOUT.
Results From October 18th 2015
After 4 Qualifying sessions
1. Robert Costa Nitrous 4.391 @ 166.79 mph
2. Mike Labbate Turbo 4.528 @ 161.93 mph
3. Jacob Villegas Turbo 4.638 @ 158.01 mph
4. Art Cordova Nitrous 4.756 @ 142.68 mph
5. Ray Trujillo Blown 4.811 @ 149.65 mph
6. Shelby Kennedy Pro Charger 5.616 @ 130.13 mph
7. Ed Jacquez Blown6.011 @ 123.15 mph
8. Gordy King Jr Nitrous 6.965 @ 62.31 mph
Round 1
Art Cordova 4.904 @146.77 def Ray Trujillo 4.828 @ 148.86 mph
Trujillo is caught sleeping on the starting line and his season is over as Cordova's Corvette gets the hole shot win.
Jacob Villegas 4.761 @ 155.55 mph def Shelby Kennedy 5.392 @ 130.81
Kennedy's Pro Charger is no Match for the little small block Nova of Villegas. The little engine that could is off to the semi's.
Mike Labbate 4.582 @ 148.12 mph def Ed Jacquez 5.986 @ 117.55 mph
Jacquez runs his best ET of the weekend but is no match for Labbate's twin turbos. Labbate keeps his championship hopes alive as he will face Villegas in the semi's
Robert Costa 4.396 @166.05 def Gordy King (No Time)
King is unable to make the call after having issues during qualifying. Costa runs nearly indential of his qualifing effort and keeps his championship hopes alive. He will race Cordova in the semi's.
Semi Finals
Jacob Villegas 4.653 @ 158 mph def Mike Labbate 5.019 @ 112.53 mph
An epic stanging duel on the starting line. Both turbo cars refuse to stage for over 2 minutes. Labbate finally goes in first. Both cars with nearly indential reaction times, Labbate slows with a mechanical failure and Villegas gets the win. The small block turbo gets the best of the big block turbo and is heading to his first RODS final.
Robert Costa 4.572 @161.70 mph def Art Cordova 4.725 @ 153.79 mph
Costa has to peddle but still gets the win. With Labbate losing ealier in the round Costa will be the 2015 RODS Champion. Costa is heading to his 3rd staight RODS final this year.
Final Round
Robert Costa 4.595 @ 162.98 def Jacob Villegas 4.679 @ 158.79 mph
Costa has to peddle again but has enough to over take the small block turbo car. Costa wins his 1st race of the season and his 2nd championship, the first in 2011 and now in 2015. The small block turbo of Villegas puts up a good battle but falls short.